Bull Riding Event


RTCA Evangelism Director on Bull Riding Event!

Continuing to work in ministry partnership all across the country to RTCA was part of the sponsorship and participation with Scott Mendes and Western Harvest Ministries and his "Conquering the Beast Bull Riding Outreaches" that are very similar to the RTCA White Horse Festivals.

Along with the pro bull riding contest the crowd enjoyed a Christian Band, Barrel racing and a performance by the awesome "Power Team" that bent metal rods, broke concrete blocks, and tore thick phone books in half. They gave the message and a call for salvation. 60 people openly proclaimed Christ as their savior and Lord on that chilly October night in a rodeo arena!

Brother Scott Mendes is a great brother in Christ, family man and friend of the RTCA President and myself and a member of the RTCA Quarter Horse Task Force and is in our plans for co-ministry outreaches with Pat Day.

Please keep him in your prayers.


Just before the bull and rider shoot out, you can see the RTCA banner hung above chute 2